Survival Immersion 2022
Enrollment Option A. 2022 Course Begins 9/10 & meets monthly-June.
Service Description
SEPTEMBER (Overnight) Introduction & Survival "Rule of Threes" Overnight Camping Weekend on East Lake property: Get to know your team for the year through sensory awareness and nature-based activities and games. The skills for the weekend will include basic wilderness survival triage; what is the first thing you should do when you realize you're in a survival situation? Topics will include water purification, shelter, fire, and wild edibles. OCTOBER (Overnight) Survival Shelter Overnight Make survival shelters as a team. Camp overnight on the land, immerse, and play nature games. NOVEMBER (9-4 each day) Cordage, Carving and Knife Safety, Knots, Friction fire Learn to make a fire using the bow drill method. Everyone in the class will finish and take home their own bow drill kit and practice getting a coal to blow into flame. We'll also practice useful and practical methods of acquiring food in survival situations, practice making cordage from natural fibers, and get comfortable using a knife for carving, billeting. DECEMBER (9-4 each day) Stone and Bone Tool-Making, Spears and Atlatls One of the oldest skills practiced by people, and so useful. Imagine how you'd go about cutting, slicing, chopping wood, sewing, cooking, hunting, or fishing before metals were commonly used for these purposes. This weekend will be all about making tools: shaping stone into points and shaping bone in order to make awls, hooks, and more. We'll also do some target practice with spears and atlatls. JANUARY (Overnight) Winter Survival and Naturalist Studies Join us on a winter survival snow shelter overnight. Learn to stay warm, dry, and fed in one of the coldest times of year. Build a snow shelter as a team, learn winter plant ID, and practice snow tracking. FEBRUARY (9-4 each day) Bow Making Learn to build your own bow. We will make two styles of basic, quick survival bows this weekend. MARCH (Overnight) Wildlife Tracking and Trailing We will do an overnight trip to the Oregon Dunes to learn about the signs animals leave behind. This is a Friday-Sunday trip! APRIL (9-4 each day) Plant Reliance Weekend Foraging, ethics, cooking with wild plants, plant families. We'll also spend a day making medicines, first aid supplies, and body products from natural materials harvested sustainably from the area. MAY (Overnight) Archery, Hunting, and Bird Language JUNE (Overnight Fri-Sun) Join us on a 3-day survival trip.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy: *Please understand that our programs are small groups and we invest a lot of our resources into outreach to fill them. When you sign up, you and the rest of those who are registered become the specific group of people to which our instructors tailor the program, including group size and specific needs. If you aren't sure you can attend your program, please wait to sign up until you know you are able! Please refrain from registering with the prior intent to switch enrollment to other courses, cancel later, etc. * Refunds are not typical. If you, the PARTICIPANT, CANCEL: We can offer credit for future programs if your space can be filled. If you contact us to cancel your spot, we'll reopen it and if it fills you'll then receive a coupon code for part of your tuition (minus processing fees, cancellation fee, etc.) to use in the future. You will not receive a credit or a refund if you miss part or all of your program, your space does not fill after you cancel, you no-call-no-show, etc. If you decide to gift/swap your space to a friend because you can no longer attend, great! Please communicate with us before the program so we can contact them with pertinent needs/info. "OOPS" Refund: If you registered by mistake, you may contact us via email WITHIN 24 HRS AFTER REGISTRATION AND AT LEAST 48 HRS BEFORE THE PROGRAM to request a refund. We will not honor "oops" refund requests outside of this timeframe. ​ If NIGHTHAWK CANCELS an entire program (not typical), due to extenuating circumstances: You'll be contacted ASAP and offered credit or refund, situation depending, if rescheduling isn't possible. We do not offer refund or credits if we have to call a late start, early pickup, or partial course cancellation due to air quality or weather. See below. ​ Inclement weather and Air Quality Policy: Know that we do our best to run programs as safely as possible given inclement weather. These calls are made on a day-by-day basis and your main contacts will be notified of any changes by 1-2 hours before the start of that day's programming. That is the absolute best we can do. Weather, especially air quality, is unpredictable. We reserve the right to shift the day's program location, operate indoors, or call late start or early pickup based on unsafe conditions. We very seldomly cancel a day of program and only do so if none of these other shifts are possible that day. See more details on policy page.
Contact Details